• 27/07/2024

Category: Lending

Economists Say We Are at the Top of the Interest Rate Cycle, Causing a Surge in Activity in Eastern Australia Property

Economists Say We Are at the Top of the Interest Rate Cycle, Causing a Surge in Activity in Eastern Australia Property

Economists Say We Are at the Top of the Interest Rate Cycle, Causing a Surge in Activity in Eastern Australia Property

Unveiling the Paradox: Property Prices Continue to Rise Amidst Record Rate Rises

Unveiling the Paradox: Property Prices Continue to Rise Amidst Record Rate Rises

The Australian property market has been witnessing a paradoxical trend where property prices continue to soar despite a series of record interest rate hikes. This unexpected scenario can be attributed to the persistent high demand…

Housing Loan Commitments Increase for the First Time In a Year

Housing Loan Commitments Increase for the First Time In a Year

After months of decline, housing loan commitments in Australia have finally started to increase. This is due to a number of factors, including optimism in the housing market, interest rates on hold last month, fear…

Breaking Free: Banks Grant Mortgage Prisoners a Lifeline, Opening Doors for Refinancing and Saving Money

Breaking Free: Banks Grant Mortgage Prisoners a Lifeline, Opening Doors for Refinancing and Saving Money

Freedom for Mortgage Prisoners: Lenders Grant Refinance Approvals Based on Lower Repayments, Urging Homeowners to Save Money

NSW Government Incentives Empower Developers to Boost Affordable Housing Availability

NSW Government Incentives Empower Developers to Boost Affordable Housing Availability

Addressing the critical need for affordable housing, the New South Wales (NSW) government has introduced a range of incentives to encourage property developers to allocate at least 15% of new projects for affordable housing. In…

Maximizing End-of-Financial-Year Opportunities with 120% deductions

Maximizing End-of-Financial-Year Opportunities with 120% deductions

inancial year draws to a close, businesses across Australia have an opportunity to optimize their financial position and capitalize on various strategies to maximize returns and minimize tax liabilities

Will Mortgage Brokers be Replaced as Borrowers Turn to AI for Perfect Home Loans?

Will Mortgage Brokers be Replaced as Borrowers Turn to AI for Perfect Home Loans?

As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer in various industries. The mortgage lending sector is no exception, with AI-powered tools promising to simplify the process…

NDIS and Co living as Investment Properties

NDIS and Co living as Investment Properties

NDIS and Co living as Investment Properties

Should government take responsibility for inflation with other options than just the blunt tool of the RBA’s interest rates

Should government take responsibility for inflation with other options than just the blunt tool of the RBA’s interest rates

should government take responsibility for inflation and instigate other options than just the blunt tool of the RBA's interest rates

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