MFAA| 19 November 2017
Australian finance brokers settled 55.7% of all residential mortgages during the September 2017 quarter, up from 53.6% in the same quarter last year, the latest industry data reveals.
Mortgage and Finance Association of Australia (MFAA) CEO Mike Felton said this represented a record $51.77 billion worth of residential home loans settled by mortgage brokers nationally in the September 2017 quarter, up from $48.57 billion in the September 2016 quarter.
“The broker share of the residential market is now at an all-time record which is reflective of the excellent value and service the broker model delivers,” Mr Felton said.
“The dollar values represent a pleasing 6.6% increase from the September 2016 to the September 2017 quarter,” he said.
The $51.77 billion settled by brokers represented a market share of 55.7% of all residential home loans as a percentage of ABS housing commitments. Comparing the market share on a year-by-year basis, this was an increase of 2.1% from the September 2016 quarter and 3.1% higher than the September 2015 quarter, comparator’s quarterly survey reveals.
“What a great result this was in these market conditions. The results suggest a rising trajectory for the broker-originated lending share and are further evidence of the trust and confidence consumers have in their broker,” Mr Felton said.
“Of course these figures need to be viewed in the context of the growth in broker numbers for the same period which is a statistic that will only be made available in the first quarter of next year but the latest surge in broker market share in both percentage and value terms in extremely positive,” he said.
Research group comparator (a Corelogic business) compiles quarterly broker statistics by calculating the value of loans settled by 19 of the leading brokers and aggregators as a percentage of the ABS Housing Finance commitments. The MFAA releases these statistics each quarter.
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