Talk Is Cheap! The Real Deal On Diversification

Diversification – it’s the buzz word of the broker industry. But is it really a solution? In an industry consisting of sole traders and small businesses, how many brokers really have the skills, support and willingness that will be required to diversify their business?

Many brokers are understandably disillusioned. They are in an industry where the norm is to work harder for lower remuneration and they are now required to achieve higher educational standards. What’s more, with reduced commissions the industry catch phrase seems to be ‘Diversify or Die’.  However, is it really that simple?

Blue Wealth PropertyBlue Wealth Property makes it easy to make great investment decisions. Our team is at the cutting edge of the industry and has a proven track record in using research to identify growth markets and strong investment opportunities. Our acquisitions team is dedicated to securing the best investment properties – and often negotiates exclusive offers for our clients.

Dr Tony Hayek, CEO of Blue Wealth Property has been successfully working with brokers teaching them how to grow their business by integrating investment property into their offering.

“It’s not unusual for brokers working with Blue Wealth to double their income in as little as 6 to 12 months of coming on board with us,” said Dr Hayek. “We accept that not every broker wants to become a property expert and when they are working with us, they don’t need to be.”

According to Dr Hayek, the secret to Blue Wealth’s success has been in the support they provide brokers.

“Over the past six years we have spoken to hundreds of brokers and without exception, they all believe working with our company is a good idea. The broker can increase their revenue, generate more leads retain clients and support their clients to make great investments. But the challenge is always to how to get started.”

With this in mind, Dr Hayek and his team at Blue Wealth have gone to great lengths to support brokers in getting started. They run monthly ‘Grow Your Business’ luncheons for brokers to learn more about the company and provide a relationship manager to support each one. Blue Wealth has also recently teamed up with one of the world’s leading training organisations, Sandler Training to provide brokers with the scripts, confidence and knowledge to ensure they are comfortable speaking with their clients about property investing.

‘Property is a natural fit with a broker’s core business and we provide support so brokers can successfully integrate investment property into their business,” said Dr Hayek.

For more information or to have someone from Blue Weath contact you please complete the contact form.

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